Our Investment Partners

Blue Diagonal Emerging Market Debt Fund

Blue Diagonal's investment philosophy emphasises consistent, targeted results through rigorous decision-making processes and risk-reward analysis. Utilising developed investment processes, independent thinking, and bespoke models, they effectively identify investments offering absolute and relative value.

Their analytical approach combines top-down global economic insights with bottom-up country-specific analysis, particularly in emerging markets. Since launching in 2017 the strategy has led to consistent outperformance against benchmarks, with a strong track record of success across various market conditions, underlining their commitment to delivering significant alpha and value to investors.

Crossborder Kintore Bidirectional XAU/FX Strategy

The Crossborder Kintore Strategy, led by Christopher L. Cruden, leverages over 35 years of experience in algorithmic investment strategies. With a history rooted in the successful Kintillo and Kintyre FX strategies, Kintore stands out for its systematic, trend-following approach, focusing on gold in relation to major global currencies.

Its performance, boasting an exceptional cumulative return since February 2015, underscores its edge in systematic trading. Kintore's strategy is marked by strict risk management, diversification across currencies, and an uncorrelated, disciplined approach that systematically mitigates ego and emotion.

Halo Asian Consumer Fund

The Halo Asian Consumer Equity Fund focuses on investing in global companies targeting emerging Asian consumers, with a strategic emphasis on long-term holdings and management-shareholder alignment.

The fund seeks 'champions'—companies with strong market share and pricing power, capable of navigating inflation while protecting or enhancing margins. Aiming for a total return of 8-12% p.a., gross of fees, the fund is committed to looking beyond short-term volatility, grounded in the belief that share price growth is ultimately tied to earnings expansion over an investment cycle.